If you are looking for some new flooring for your home? If so, Tyke’s Carpet Castle is the place for you! Tyke’s is a one-stop shop when it comes to your flooring and carpet needs, and we carry over 300 rolls of carpet as well as over 70 pallets of commercially rated Luxury Vinyl Planking.

Here at Tyke’s Carpet Castle our main priority is to give you the full customer service experience all while making sure we give you the best deal around! We pride ourselves on keeping the prices low and the quality high, at the end of the day it is all about building relationships with our customers and giving them the feeling of being at home when shopping with us.

Installation Available with Purchase

Find us at the office

16948 State Hwy 371 North

Brainerd, MN 56401

Give us a ring

(218) 825-0279 
Mon - Sat. 9:00-5:00

***May Differ on Holidays